syllabus of C- language ( fundamental of C part -1 )

syllabus of C- language ( fundamental of C part -1 )
Syllabus of C - language
1. Fundamentals of C language

  • History in C
  • Why Learn C ?
  • why Use C ?
  • Feature of C language
  • Programming Element
    1. Character set of C language
    2. Keyword
    3. Identifiers
    4. Constant
    5. Data type
  • Variables
    1. Description of Variable
    2. Rules for naming variable
    3. Initialization of Variable
    4. Assigning value to variable
  • Structure of C- language
  • Operators
    1. Arithmetic Operators
    2. Relation operator
    3. Logical Operator
    4. Assignment Operators
    5. Increment and Decrement Operators
    6. Bitwise Operators
    7. Conditional Operators
    8. Special Operators
  • Operators Precedence and Associativity
  • Creation And Execution of a C-program
  • Expression
  • Evaluation of Expressions
    1. Precedence of Arithmetic Operators
  • Library Function
    1. String function
    2. Math Function
    3. The C preprocessor

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